Common sense tells us that kids can't learn in class if they aren't there. Yet too little attention has been paid to the link between attendance and the dropout problem. Very young children who are frequently absent miss lessons that form the foundation for later learning. Consequently, they may not become proficient readers. The cost is high: poor and minority children with chronic absences in grades 1-4 are at much greater risk of later truancy, academic failure and dropping out.Without a strong foundation, students often fall farther behind as they move up the grades. Catching up becomes more daunting if failures mount. By high school, students getting multiple F's often show a pattern of skipping school because they're giving up.
Attendance Codes
Absences must be cleared within FIVE days. If not, they automatically become unexcused absences. Handwritten notes or a phone call from the parent or guardian are required to clear all absences. When a student returns to school after an absence, notes must be presented at the office. Absences must be cleared within FIVE days. If not, they automatically become unexcused absences. Handwritten notes or a phone call from the parent or guardian are required to clear all absences. When a student returns to school after an absence, notes must be presented at the office.
The following categories of absence will be applied:
- (I) Excused absence due to illness, medical, or dental appointment. This is the only category for which the student can make up missed work.
- (E) Excused absence for personal reasons: Court Appearances, Funeral/Death in family, Family emergency (situation needs to be stated). Citizenship will not be penalized for these reasons. Teachers will provide an opportunity for the student to make up missed work.
- (U) Unexcused absence with the knowledge of parents but for reasons not approved by the district. The responsibility for the make-up of missed work, if granted by the teacher, rests entirely with the student. Unexcused absences include: on vacation, out of town, car problems, waking up late, traffic, dropping off siblings, missed the school or city bus, etc.
- (W) Leaving early or being tardy > 30 Minutes* In excess of 30 minutes, unexcused.
- (T) Late/Tardy* 0 - 30 minutes late or leave early
- (L) Late or leave early (Excused)* Late or leave early due to Dr. Appt., Dental, Bus Late.
Fiscal Impact of Chronic Absenteeism
As in most California school districts, SDUSD's revenue is primarily based on average daily attendance (ADA). The district loses $32 per day for every absent student. Given the ongoing budget crisis, it's crucial to note that a 1% increase in attendance would translate to an additional $6 million in revenue. These funds would bolster programs for all our students.