The SSC is responsible for reviewing and approving our school's use of certain funds related primarily to academic issues. The SSC reviews academic data, and determines how best to adjust spending priorities to improve the education offered to Foster Elementary students. The SSC also takes part in the creation of our school's Comprehensive School Safety Plan and Foster's Site Plan for Student Achievement.
SSC meetings are at 2.30pm after school (usually 15-30 minutes long) and held via zoom for the 2021-22 school year.
*Parents are able to sit on multiple committees
Click on dates for links to agendas and minutes
9/20/2021 Agenda
9/20/2021 Minutes
9/29/2021 Agenda
9/29/2021 Minutes
10/18/2021 Agenda
10/18/21 Minutes
12/13/21 Agenda
2021-2022 Agends and Minutes