For the well being of all students, children should remain at home if they are ill. Below are some general guidelines to help you decide if you should keep your child home from school:
Send me to school if... Keep me at home if... Consider calling the doctor if...
I have runny nose or just a little I have a temperature higher than I have a temperature high than 100.4
cough but no other symptoms. 100.4 degrees. for more than two days.
I haven't taken any fever reducing I'm throwing up or have diarrhea. I've been throwing up or have diarrhea for
medicine for 24 hours and haven't I have a serious cough, especially with more than two days.
had a fever in that time. breathing problem. I've had the sniffles (runny nose) for more than 10 days
I haven't thrown up or had any and it isn't getting any better.
diarrhea since I went to bed
last night (9-12hrs).
I have asthma symptoms that get better
after using my asthma medicine.
Foster Elementary has a nurse five days a weeek. Should your child come to school and is feeling ill, you will be contacted. If your child is constantly absent due to illness, the school nurse and or counselor may reach out to you regarding your child's health and attendance per concern and district policy.