School Site Safety and Health Overview:
Dear Foster Elementary Learning Community.
This is an overview of the current safety protocols for our return to instruction this August 30th. Please check back regularly for updates.
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Leah Saunders
Link to District Health and Safety Plan:
In addition, each day before coming to school, families need to check for COVID symptoms using the Daily Student Symptoms Checklist, or they can also use the ClearPass app (see above).
For grade level appropriate health modules for students. Please access here.
For Health Education Modules for Parents in Multiple languages, please access here.
When students present with symptoms at school or call in with covid symptoms, they may not be able to return to school for 10 days. If a student reports absent due to illness please notify the health office. To notify parents, we have developed a Symptom Notification Form that the health office can send home with the student or it can be emailed or communicated if the student calls in sick.
For students with chronic health conditions such as seasonal allergies, chronic cough due to asthma etc., where these symptoms may be confused with the current list of covid symptoms, before coming to onsite learning, to prevent confusion and being sent home unnecessarily, please have the students doctor fill out the Certification of Chronic Condition by MD.
For Students who are unable to wear masks, Special Education Mask Accommodation Process.
District COVID-19 Site Testing Information:
San Diego County Resources:
Educational Videos: Site Access:
Welcome Back Students
Preparing for In Person: At School | Spanish
Preparing for In Person: At Home | Spanish
Preparing for In Person: PPE | Spanish
Parent Learning Menu: COVID
Behavior Support Resources Students & Families